RDF Statements

The Triple and Quad traits define how you interact with RDF statements in Sophia.

Note that in Sophia's generalized RDF model, terms of any kind can occur in any position in a statement. This contrasts to strict RDF where only IRIs can occur in predicate position, and where literals can only occur in the object position.

Using triples

Triples in RDF are made of a subject, a predicate and an object. They can be obtained respectively via the methods Triple::s, Triple::p and Triple::o, or all at once (as an array of three terms) via the method Triple::spo. These methods also have a to_X version that destructs the original triple instead of borrowing it.

use sophia::api::{ns::rdf, prelude::*};
// Example: yield all the terms being used as types in the given triples
fn all_types<IT, T>(triples: IT) -> impl Iterator<Item=T::Term>
  IT: IntoIterator<Item=T>,
  T: Triple,
    .filter(|t| rdf::type_ == t.p())
    .map(|t| t.to_o())

Using quads

Quads are used to represent triples in the context of an optional named graph. Like triples, they have methods Quad::s, Quad::p and Quad::o, but also Quad::g to access the optional graph name, and Quad::spog to obtain all four components all at once. These methods also have a to_X version that destructs the original quad instead of borrowing it.

use sophia::api::{ns::rdf, prelude::*};
// Example: yield all the triples in the default graph, from a list of quads
fn all_types<IQ, Q>(quads: IQ) -> impl Iterator<Item=[Q::Term; 3]>
  IQ: IntoIterator<Item=Q>,
  Q: Quad,
    .filter(|q| q.g().is_none())
    .map(|q| { let (spo, _g) = q.to_spog(); spo })

Comparing triples or quads

To check whether two values implementing Triple (resp. Quad) represent the same RDF statements, the method Triple::eq (resp. Quad::eq) must be used. It will compare each component of the statements using the Term::eq method. Note that the == operator may give a different result than Triple::eq or Quad::eq on some types implementing the Triple or the Quad trait.

Useful types implementing Triple

While the Triple and Quad traits can be implemented by multiple types, in most situations the following types will be used:

  • [T; 3] where T: Term implements Triple
  • ([T; 3], Option<T>) where T: Term implements Quad